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Nô féminist

Gloria, Lili, and Amir are rehearsing a play, from the Nô theater, directed by the strict Master Hiro. The premiere is in a few hours, Amir is struggling to concentrate due to a constant door-slamming noise, Lilli’s uncomfortable position on stage is hindering her performance, and Gloria, the master’s great admirer, is suffering from knee pain after an injury. Nothing is going right, and the master has disappeared. He is locked in his dressing room, where thick smoke is coming out. While searching for their master, the three actors discover that this committed director never wrote his plays; he stole them from his first love.

Type of movie: Short film

Movie genre: Fiction

Release: 2022

Directed by: Aïssa Maïga

Main cast: Aksel Carrez, Selena Diouf, Yoshi Oïda, Coline Rage

Production : DACP – De l’Autre Côté du Périph’

Main shooting locations in Thiérache: Familistère theater, underneath the stage.