Nothing to declare

At the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, Ruben Vandevoorde (Benoit Pelvoorde), a Belgian customs officer, and his colleagues learn of the impending closure of their customs post located on the French-Belgian border, Axonais side. They are forced to inaugurate the first Franco-Belgian mobile brigade. His French partner will be Mathias Ducatel (Dany Boon), a lifelong enemy. The filming took place at the Franco-Belgian border post of Hirson-Macquenoise, renamed Courquain / Koorkin for the occasion.
Type of filming: feature movie
Film genre: comedy
Release: 2011
Directed by: Dany Boon
Main cast: Benoît Poelvoorde, Dany Boon, Karin Viard, François Damiens, Julie Bernard
Production: Les Productions du Ch’Timi, Pathé Films, TF1 Films Production, Scope Pictures
Distribution: Pathé Distribution
Settings: Alain Veissier
Main shooting locations in Thiérache: the Macquenoise customs post, Hirson forest
A word about the shooting
It is no coincidence if Dany Boon chose the customs post in Hirson-Macquenoise, because “it is a place that has remained unchanged.”
Built for the occasion, it was to be destroyed after the filming. In the end, a small museum was created and has received more than 100,000 visitors since the beginning of the 2010s.
Check out the testimony of André Meunier, current guide of the customs post.