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La Guerre des Lulus

Poster of the film La Guerre des Lulus

In the Saint-Michel Abbey, transformed into an orphanage for the movie, Lucas, Lucien, Luigi, and Ludwig live. After missing the evacuation of their village in 1914, they are left on their own behind German lines for four years, they are later joined by Luce.

This movie is an adaptation of the best-selling comic book of the same name by Régis Hautière and Hardoc, both from Amiens. The director, Yann Samuell once again shoots with children after his two previous movies La Guerre des Boutons (2011) and Jeux d’Enfants (2003).

Type of filming: feature movie
Film genre: adventure
Release: 2023
Directed by: Yann Samuell
Main cast: Tom Castaing, Léonard Fauquet, Mathys Gros, Paloma Lebeaut, Loup Pinard, François Damiens, Alex Lutz, Isabelle Carré, Luc Schiltz, Didier Bourdon, Ahmed Sylla
Production: Wild Bunch International, Elle Driver, Bidibul Productions, Superprod, Les Films du Lézard
Distribution: Wild Bunch Distribution
Settings: Hérald Najar
Main shooting locations in Thiérache: Saint-Michel abbey, the Guise Familistère

A word about the shooting

The film crew was so warmly welcomed in the various villages of Thiérache that they decided to shoot with an open set so that locals could come and watch the filming.

The extras were extremely pleased to be a part of this film because it is linked to their history and anchored in their territory.

Watch the videos to learn more about the influence of Thiérache on the storytelling and adaptation of the comic book!